Saturday, October 3, 2009

My summer.

What did it mean? What does it mean?
I discovered more strength than I thought I had, but came face to face with my limits, my fears and ingrained carefulness. I always wanted to keep up with the guys, and finally had to admit that they have an advantage--but I still can't quite accept it.
I learned quietness, stillness, the kind that only comes after exerting yourself for days on end and then finally having a chance to stop and rest. And the quietness of not having the distractions, the noise, phone calls and emails and day planners and bus schedules, fashion magazines and television and advertisements (three names for the same thing), the pressure to look good and be in style and have perfect skin. None of that was part of my life. My life was outside. It was my hands and my feet. It was sunrises and stars. Each letter I received was precious, each book I read, each meal I ate. There was nothing extra, but there was enough. And I felt, every day, that I had all the riches in the world.

I miss it already.