Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm here.

He dropped me off this morning, after drinking some semi-adequate coffee and helping me set up my tent. So, after my whirlwind visits to Seattle and San Francisco, here I am, at the CCC orientation center, waiting for dinner and chatting with new people. I was so nervous about this moment, to be honest, but now that I'm here, it feels completely normal. We are all in the same boat, none of us knows anyone else, and there's always a sort of simple, instant comraderie that happens with strangers thrown together and told to wait. Many of us will meet, and chat, and then not see each other again as we head out on different crews. I've already met a girl from Albany and a guy from Burma who's been in the states for two years, and I like them both, and after Wednesday will probably never see them again. Only one other person from my crew is already here.

We will spend three days here, getting fingerprinted and signing away our life and health and listening to lists of rules and regulations and having our gear inspected.

In the meantime, life is a series of things to wait for. Such as dinner. So I guess, currently, I'm waiting for ham.

1 comment:

Stuart said...

Good luck with the waiting. I hope you can stand it.